Advanced Dictionary Search

Using this program, you can find words with different properties.

This program uses several dictionaries, a small one with 38,617 words, Enable with 172,825 words, and SOWPODS with 267,752 words.

Here you can find Java files supporting the Advanced Dictionary Search.

What is the minimum word size? What is the maximum word size? Please choose the dictionary to use:

Choose one of the following options for your advanced search:

Reversible Words

Palindromes: Words that are the same when reversed Reversible Words: Backwords spelling of these words are also words Semordnilap: Reversible words that are not palindromes

Alphabetically Significant Patterns

Abecedarian Words: Words with letters in alphabetical order Strictly Abecedarian Words: Words with letters in alphabetical order without repetitions Zyxarian Words: Words with letters in reverse alphabetical order Strictly Zyxarian Words: Words with letters in reverse alphabetical order without repetitions Roller Coasters: Words whose letter go up and down in their alphabet position (like azbxcy)

Frequency Patterns

Pyramid (Triangle) Words: Words that contain one use of one letter, two uses of a second letter, and so on Rectangle Words: Each letter in the word is used the same number of times Square words: The number of different letters in the word is the same as the number of times each letter is used Polygrams: Each letter in the word occurs more than once


Tautonyms: Words that are double strings (like mama)

Regular Expressions

Words that begin with Words that end with Words that contain the substring Words that contain the set of letters


Here are some puzzles that one can solve using this program.

  1. What is the longest palindrome?
  2. What is the only number which has letters in alphabetical order?
  3. Find the words which have the first two letters be the same.
  4. What could be the length of a pyramid word?
  5. Find the words that end in dous.
  6. What is the shortest word that uses all of the vowels (i.e. 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o' and 'u')?
  7. Find the words that contain six of the same letter.

Last revised August 2006